How to Do MS in Abroad- Top Countries, Universities, Ranking & Fees

MS in Abroad Guide

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Pursuing A Master of Science (MS) Abroad

Pursuing a Master of Science (MS) abroad can be a transformative academic and personal experience. It offers a unique opportunity to delve deeper into a specific field of study, gain exposure to diverse perspectives, and access cutting-edge research and resources not always available in one’s home country. The MS programs abroad are often tailored to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications, preparing students for various career paths or further academic pursuits.

Choosing the right university and program is crucial. Researching institutions renowned for their expertise in your field of interest is a good starting point. Consider factors like faculty expertise, research facilities, industry connections, and the program’s curriculum. Also, weigh the location’s cultural fit, cost of living, and potential post-graduation opportunities.

The application process typically involves submitting academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose outlining your academic and career goals, and often standardized test scores like the GRE or GMAT, depending on the program and university requirements. Meeting language proficiency standards, such as TOEFL or IELTS for non-native English speakers, is usually necessary.

Financial planning is essential. Apart from tuition fees, consider living expenses, health insurance, and potential additional costs. Explore scholarships, grants, assistantships, and part-time work opportunities to alleviate the financial burden.

Finally, preparing for the transition involves not only academic readiness but also adapting to a new cultural environment. Engaging with the local community, understanding cultural nuances, and being open to diverse perspectives can significantly enrich the overall experience of pursuing an MS abroad.

Ms Abroad Eligibility & Requirements

Eligibility for an MS program abroad typically includes a bachelor’s degree in a related field, meeting minimum GPA requirements, and demonstrating proficiency in the language of instruction. Some programs may require specific prerequisite courses or standardized test scores like the GRE or GMAT. Additionally, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and relevant work experience might enhance the application.

Why Study Masters Abroad?

Studying for a Master’s degree abroad offers a plethora of invaluable advantages that extend beyond the realm of academics. Here are some compelling reasons why pursuing a Master’s abroad is a transformative and enriching experience:

1. Global Perspective and Cultural Immersion: Studying abroad exposes you to diverse cultures, viewpoints, and experiences. It offers a unique opportunity to engage with people from various backgrounds, fostering cross-cultural understanding and adaptability—a skill highly valued in today’s interconnected world.

2. Specialized Education and Research Opportunities: Many universities abroad are renowned for their specialized programs and cutting-edge research facilities. Accessing these resources allows for a deeper understanding of your field of study and exposure to innovative ideas, methodologies, and advancements.

3. Networking and Global Connections: Building a network of contacts across borders is invaluable. Studying abroad provides a chance to connect with peers, professors, and professionals from around the world, creating a global network that can be advantageous for future career prospects.

4. Personal Growth and Independence: Living in a different country challenges you to step out of your comfort zone, fostering independence, resilience, and adaptability. It encourages personal growth by pushing boundaries, building confidence, and enhancing problem-solving skills.

5. Enhanced Career Opportunities: An international Master’s degree can significantly enhance your resume, demonstrating adaptability, cultural competence, and a willingness to take on new challenges. It can open doors to global job markets and diverse career opportunities.

6. Language Proficiency and Communication Skills: Studying in a foreign country provides an immersive environment to improve language skills. Being fluent or proficient in a second language is an asset in today’s global job market.

7. Cultural Exploration and Life Experience: Beyond academics, studying abroad offers a chance to explore new landscapes, cuisines, traditions, and lifestyles. It creates memories and experiences that shape a broader perspective on life.

In essence, pursuing a Master’s degree abroad is a holistic experience that not only enriches your academic knowledge but also shapes you as a well-rounded individual, equipped with skills and experiences that transcend boundaries.

Importance of Choosing the Right Country and University

Selecting the right country and university for your Master’s degree is pivotal to your academic and personal growth. The country sets the tone for your cultural experience, language barriers, cost of living, and potential career opportunities. A university’s reputation, faculty expertise, research facilities, program curriculum, and alumni network significantly impact the quality of education and future prospects. Choosing the right match ensures an environment conducive to learning, personal development, and aligning with your career aspirations.

Top Countries for MS in Abroad

Several countries stand out for their exceptional MS programs, offering diverse opportunities in various fields. The United States is renowned for its cutting-edge technology and research-driven universities. The United Kingdom provides a blend of tradition and innovation, particularly in fields like business, humanities, and sciences. Canada offers a welcoming environment, quality education, and post-graduation work opportunities. Germany is known for its strong engineering and technical programs, often with low or no tuition fees for international students. Australia and Singapore also feature prominently, offering high-quality education and multicultural experiences.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Country

When choosing a country for your Master’s studies, consider various factors. Language barriers and proficiency in the local language, immigration policies, job opportunities for international students, cost of living, safety, and cultural fit are crucial. Additionally, assess the quality of education, research opportunities, industry connections, and potential for post-graduation work or immigration based on the country’s policies.

Top Universities for MS in Abroad

Here’s an in-depth look at some of the top universities renowned for their Master’s programs abroad:

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

Overview: MIT is synonymous with cutting-edge research and innovation across various disciplines. It’s highly regarded for its engineering, technology, and science programs.

Strengths: Exceptional faculty, state-of-the-art research facilities, strong industry collaborations, and a culture that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship.

2. Stanford University, USA

Overview: Stanford University boasts a diverse and rigorous academic environment, excelling in fields like computer science, business, and engineering.

Strengths: Strong emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, vibrant research community, extensive resources for innovation and startups, and proximity to Silicon Valley.

3. University of Oxford, UK

Overview: Oxford is renowned for its rich academic heritage and rigorous academic programs across various disciplines.

Strengths: World-class faculty, extensive libraries, research-driven approach, and a collegiate system that fosters academic excellence and critical thinking.

4. University of Cambridge, UK

Overview: Cambridge is synonymous with academic excellence, offering exceptional programs in science, humanities, and technology.

Strengths: Outstanding faculty, access to cutting-edge research facilities, a global network of scholars, and a rich history of groundbreaking discoveries.

5. ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Overview: ETH Zurich is a leading institution for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs, known for its high-quality education and research.

Strengths: Strong focus on innovation, exceptional research infrastructure, close ties with industry, and a diverse international community.

University of Toronto, Canada

Overview: The University of Toronto is renowned for its comprehensive and diverse programs across various disciplines.

Strengths: World-class faculty, extensive research opportunities, strong industry connections, and a multicultural environment.

6. National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore

Overview: NUS is a global university known for its academic excellence and diverse programs in science, technology, and business.

Strengths: Cutting-edge research facilities, strong emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship, strategic location in Asia’s business hub.

Choosing a university should consider factors such as program offerings, faculty expertise, research opportunities, industry connections, and cultural fit, aligning with your academic and career aspirations. Each of these universities offers a unique educational experience, fostering academic excellence and personal growth.

Key Considerations When Choosing a University

Selecting the right university involves evaluating various factors. Faculty expertise, available resources (labs, libraries, technology), program curriculum, research opportunities, industry partnerships, alumni network, location, and potential for internships or practical experiences play vital roles. Consider the university’s reputation in your field of interest and its alignment with your career goals.

Top-Ranking MS Programs Globally

Here’s an overview of some top-ranking MS programs globally across various disciplines:

1. Computer Science & Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – Known for its Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence programs.

Stanford University – Renowned for its Computer Science and Electrical Engineering programs.

University of California, Berkeley – Noted for its Computer Science and Engineering programs.

2. Business Administration (MBA)

Harvard University – Highly regarded for its MBA program, offering a comprehensive business education.

University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) – Known for its rigorous MBA curriculum and finance programs.

INSEAD – A global business school offering diverse MBA programs across campuses worldwide.

3. Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – Excel in various engineering disciplines including Mechanical, Aerospace, and Chemical Engineering.

Stanford University – Offers top-tier programs in Engineering, particularly in Mechanical, Electrical, and Civil Engineering.

University of Cambridge – Known for its exceptional engineering programs across various disciplines.

4. Medicine & Healthcare

Johns Hopkins University – Renowned for its research-oriented Medicine and Public Health programs.

Harvard University – Highly regarded for its Medical School and Public Health programs.

University of Oxford – Known for its Medicine and Medical Sciences programs.

5. Natural Sciences

University of Cambridge – Renowned for its programs in Natural Sciences, particularly Biological and Physical Sciences.

University of Oxford – Offers outstanding programs in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, and Physics.

California Institute of Technology (Caltech) – Known for its rigorous programs in Physical Sciences and Engineering.

These programs are recognized for their academic excellence, research contributions, faculty expertise, and alumni success. The rankings may vary based on specific disciplines and research areas within each university. Aspiring students should consider factors such as faculty expertise, research opportunities, program curriculum, and career prospects when choosing a program aligning with their academic interests and career goals.

General Admission Process for MS Programs

The admission process for Master of Science (MS) programs abroad generally follows a standard framework, although specific requirements can vary between universities and countries. Here’s a general overview of the admission process:

1. Research and Shortlisting:

Identify Programs: Research universities offering MS programs in your field of interest.

Check Eligibility: Review admission criteria, prerequisites, and required documents for each program.

2. Prepare Application Materials:

Academic Transcripts: Gather official transcripts from previous education institutions.

Standardized Tests: Prepare for and take required standardized tests like GRE, GMAT, or subject-specific tests.

Language Proficiency: Take language proficiency tests such as TOEFL or IELTS if required for non-native English speakers.

Letters of Recommendation: Secure recommendation letters from academic or professional mentors.

Statement of Purpose: Craft a compelling statement outlining your academic background, career goals, and reasons for pursuing the program.

3. Application Submission:

Online Application: Complete and submit the university’s online application form.

Application Fee: Pay the required application fee.

4. Review and Interview:

Application Review: The university’s admissions committee reviews applications based on academic qualifications, test scores, essays, and recommendations.

Interviews: Some programs may require interviews to further assess applicants.

5. Admission Decision:

Acceptance/Rejection: Successful applicants receive an acceptance letter, while others receive rejection or waitlist notifications.

6. Enrollment and Pre-Departure:

Acceptance Confirmation: If accepted, confirm enrollment by the specified deadline and pay any required deposits.

Visa Application: International students must apply for a student visa.

Housing Arrangements: Secure housing arrangements, either on-campus or off-campus.

Tips for Applicants:

Early Preparation: Begin the application process well in advance to meet deadlines.

Thorough Research: Understand each university’s specific requirements and align your application accordingly.

Crafting Strong Application Materials: Focus on creating a compelling statement of purpose and securing impactful recommendation letters.

Test Preparation: Dedicate ample time to prepare for standardized tests if required.

Communication: Maintain regular communication with the university’s admissions office for any clarifications or updates.

Navigating the admission process for MS programs requires attention to detail, thoroughness in documentation, and adherence to deadlines. It’s essential to tailor your application to each university’s requirements and showcase your academic strengths and suitability for the program.

Common Requirements and Documentation

Here are the common requirements and documentation needed for applying to Master of Science (MS) programs abroad:

1. Academic Transcripts:

Official Transcripts: Transcripts from all previous educational institutions attended, demonstrating academic performance and coursework.

2. Standardized Test Scores:

GRE/GMAT: Some programs may require Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) scores.

Subject-Specific Tests: Certain fields might necessitate subject-specific tests, like the GRE Subject Test.

3. Language Proficiency:

TOEFL/IELTS: Test scores demonstrating proficiency in English for non-native English speakers.

Language Waivers: Some universities may waive this requirement if previous education was conducted in English or based on other criteria.

4. Letters of Recommendation:

Academic/Professional Recommendations: Usually, two to three letters from professors or employers highlighting your qualifications and suitability for the program.

5. Statement of Purpose (SOP):

SOP/Essays: A well-crafted statement outlining your academic background, career aspirations, reasons for pursuing the program, and how the program aligns with your goals.

6. Resume/CV:

Professional Resume/CV: Highlighting relevant academic achievements, work experience, extracurricular activities, and skills.

7. Application Form:

Online Application: Complete and submit the university’s application form along with the required fee.

8. Financial Documentation:

Proof of Funds: Some countries require proof of financial support to cover tuition fees and living expenses.

9. Additional Requirements (Varies):

Portfolio: For certain programs like art, design, or architecture, a portfolio showcasing previous work might be required.

Interviews: Some programs conduct interviews as part of the selection process.

Tips for Applicants:

Check University Requirements: Carefully review each university’s specific requirements and deadlines.

Prepare Early: Gather necessary documents well in advance of the application deadline.

Tailor Application Materials: Customize your SOP, resume, and recommendations to highlight your strengths and alignment with the program.

Seek Clarification: If uncertain about any requirements, reach out to the admissions office for clarification.

Submitting a complete and well-organized application, showcasing academic achievements, relevant experiences, and future aspirations, is crucial in the highly competitive admission process for MS programs abroad.

Examining Tuition Fees in Different Countries

Understanding tuition fees across various countries is crucial when considering an MS program abroad. Here’s a general overview of tuition fees in some popular study destinations:

United States: Tuition fees vary widely across universities, typically ranging from $20,000 to $50,000 per year for MS programs at public institutions. Private universities may cost considerably more.

United Kingdom: Tuition fees for international students range from £14,000 to £28,000 per year for most MS programs, depending on the institution and program.

Canada: Canadian universities offer relatively affordable tuition fees, averaging between CAD 17,000 to CAD 35,000 per year for international MS students.

Germany: Public universities in Germany often have no tuition fees, even for international students, except for a nominal administrative fee (around €300 to €400 per semester).

Australia: Tuition fees in Australia range from AUD 20,000 to AUD 37,000 per year for international MS students, varying based on the chosen field and university.

Singapore: Tuition fees in Singapore generally range from SGD 18,000 to SGD 50,000 per year for international students pursuing MS programs.

Exploring Available Scholarships for MS Students

Numerous scholarships and funding options are available to support international students pursuing MS programs abroad. Here are some common types of scholarships:

  • University Scholarships: Many universities offer merit-based scholarships specifically for international students based on academic excellence.
  • Government Scholarships: Various governments worldwide offer scholarships to international students as part of their foreign aid programs.
  • Private Scholarships: Private organizations, corporations, and foundations provide scholarships based on academic merit, specific fields of study, or demographic criteria.
  • Country-Specific Scholarships: Some countries offer scholarships exclusively for students from certain regions or countries.
  • Field-Specific Scholarships: Certain industries or fields, such as STEM, may have specialized scholarships funded by corporations or organizations.

Tips for Scholarship Applications:

Research Early: Start researching and applying for scholarships well in advance of application deadlines.

Check Eligibility: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for each scholarship before applying.

Prepare Strong Applications: Craft compelling essays, gather necessary documentation, and showcase your achievements to strengthen scholarship applications.

Explore Multiple Avenues: Apply for multiple scholarships to increase your chances of securing financial support.

Exploring tuition fees and available scholarships is crucial for planning your finances and seeking funding opportunities when considering an MS program abroad. Conduct thorough research and consider various options to alleviate the financial burden of studying overseas.

Understanding The Cost of Living in Various Countries

The cost of living varies significantly across different countries and can significantly impact your budget while pursuing an MS program abroad. Here’s a general overview:

  • United States: The cost of living varies by state and city, with major metropolitan areas having higher expenses. On average, students can expect to spend between $15,000 to $30,000 per year on living expenses, including accommodation, food, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses.
  • United Kingdom: Cities like London have a higher cost of living compared to other regions. Estimated living expenses range from £10,000 to £15,000 per year, depending on the location and lifestyle.
  • Canada: The cost of living in Canada is relatively moderate compared to other countries. Students might spend between CAD 15,000 to CAD 20,000 annually on accommodation, groceries, transportation, and other expenses.
  • Germany: With lower tuition fees and reasonable living costs, Germany is often considered more affordable. Average living expenses range from €10,000 to €15,000 per year.
  • Australia: Cities like Sydney and Melbourne have higher living costs. On average, international students spend between AUD 20,000 to AUD 27,000 annually on accommodation, food, transport, and other expenses.
  • Singapore: Known for its higher living expenses, students might spend around SGD 12,000 to SGD 20,000 per year on accommodation, food, transportation, and other necessities.

Job Prospects After Completing an MS Abroad

Completing an MS abroad can enhance your job prospects in several ways:

Global Opportunities: International exposure and a degree from a reputable institution can open doors to global job markets.

Specialized Skills: MS programs often provide specialized skills and practical knowledge sought after by employers in various industries.

Networking: Building a global network during your studies can lead to job opportunities through connections made with peers, professors, and professionals.

Internship/Work Experience: Many MS programs offer internships or practical experiences, increasing your chances of securing employment post-graduation.

Work Visa Options: Some countries offer post-study work visas that allow graduates to work for a certain period after completing their studies.

Higher Earning Potential: Graduates with an MS degree often have higher earning potential compared to those with only a bachelor’s degree.

Researching job markets, networking, gaining relevant work experience during studies, and understanding visa regulations are essential steps to maximize job prospects after completing an MS abroad.

Detailed Information On the Visa Application Process

The visa application process for studying abroad typically involves several steps:

  1. Acceptance Letter: Obtain an acceptance letter from a recognized educational institution abroad.
  2. Visa Type: Determine the appropriate visa type for studying abroad. For most MS programs, it’s usually a student visa or a specific study permit.
  3. Documentation: Gather necessary documents, including:
  4. Passport with validity for the intended duration of stay.
  5. Acceptance letter from the university.
  6. Proof of financial means to cover tuition and living expenses.
  7. Health insurance coverage.
  8. Language proficiency test results.
  9. Any additional documents required by the specific country’s consulate/embassy.
  10. Application Submission: Complete the online visa application form or obtain the physical application form from the respective embassy/consulate.
  11. Biometrics and Interview: Some countries require biometric information (fingerprinting) and an in-person interview at the embassy/consulate.
  12. Visa Fee: Pay the visa application fee as per the embassy’s requirements.
  13. Wait for Processing: After submitting the application and attending the interview (if required), wait for the visa to be processed. Processing times vary by country.
  14. Visa Approval: Upon approval, collect your visa from the embassy/consulate, usually before departure.
  15. Arrival and Registration: Upon arrival in the host country, follow any necessary registration procedures specified by local immigration authorities.

Ms Abroad Vs Ms in India

Choosing between pursuing an MS abroad versus in India involves considering various factors:

Academic Quality: Universities abroad often offer access to advanced resources, renowned faculty, and diverse perspectives, whereas Indian institutions have their strengths in certain fields.

Global Exposure: Studying abroad provides international exposure, networking opportunities, and potential access to global job markets, while studying in India offers familiarity with local contexts.

Cost: Tuition fees and living expenses abroad are usually higher than in India. However, scholarships, quality of education, and potential higher earning opportunities abroad may offset these costs.

Cultural Experience: Studying abroad offers cultural immersion, language learning, and a diverse environment, while studying in India allows students to explore the country’s rich heritage and culture.

Career Prospects: An international degree may provide an edge in certain industries or job markets globally, but in some cases, local networks and industry connections in India might be advantageous.

Deciding between MS abroad and MS in India depends on individual preferences, career goals, financial considerations, and the desired learning experience. Both options have their merits, and the choice should align with personal aspirations and long-term career plans.

Frequently Asked Questions about Ms Abroad

Q1. Can I work part-time during my MS program?

Answer: In many countries, international students on student visas are allowed to work part-time during their studies. However, restrictions often apply, such as a maximum number of working hours per week. Check the specific regulations of the host country and the university’s guidelines regarding part-time work for international students.

Q2. What support services are available for international students?

Answer: Universities abroad typically offer a range of support services for international students, including orientation programs, academic advising, counseling services, language assistance, student clubs/organizations, housing assistance, and career development resources.

Q3. How do I convert foreign grades to my home country’s grading system?

Answer: Some universities provide conversion tables or guidance on converting foreign grades to your home country’s grading system. If not provided, you might need to get a credential evaluation service to assess and convert your grades.

Q4. What cultural differences should I be aware of as an international student?

Answer: Cultural differences vary widely depending on the host country. It’s essential to be open-minded, respectful, and proactive in learning about local customs, communication styles, social norms, and religious practices. Being aware and respectful of cultural differences fosters a smoother adaptation to the new environment.

Q5. Can I extend my stay or work in the host country after completing my MS?

Answer: Many countries offer post-study work visas or extensions that allow graduates to stay for a limited period after completing their studies to seek employment. Requirements and durations vary by country. Some countries also have schemes or visas specifically designed to retain skilled international graduates in their workforce.

Researching the specific regulations and policies of the host country and consulting with the university’s international student office or immigration authorities can provide clarity on post-graduation options.


Studying for a Master of Science (MS) abroad is a transformative journey, offering academic excellence, cultural immersion, and personal growth. From navigating the complex application process to adapting to new cultural landscapes, every step contributes to a holistic learning experience. Choosing the right country, university, and program aligning with your academic aspirations and career goals is pivotal. The exposure gained, diverse perspectives encountered, and skills developed during an MS abroad go beyond academic achievements, shaping well-rounded individuals ready to thrive in a globalized world.

Apply Now for Sakal’s Interest-Free Scholarship!

Embark on your academic journey with Sakal India Foundation’s Interest-Free Scholarship, designed to support students pursuing their MS abroad. This scholarship aims to alleviate financial burdens and enable deserving candidates to fulfill their academic aspirations. Don’t miss this opportunity to apply and turn your dreams of studying abroad into a reality! Reach out to Sakal for more information and take the first step towards a promising future. Apply now and embrace a world of opportunities!

About Author

Sakal India Foundation

The idea of setting up an organisation to encourage and assist needy and deserving students with grants and scholarships to pursue higher education was conceived by the late Dr. N. B. Parulekar the managing editor of daily Sakal.

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