Study Abroad Vs. Study In India – What Are The Differences?

Study Abroad

Education in India versus education abroad is fundamentally different. The differentiating characteristics include the education system, approach, research in education, curriculum etc.

Studying abroad appears like such a hassle to everybody. Most of us think that only the rich can afford to study abroad. Most people believe it is necessary to have somebody already living in that country where you want to go there and study. 

Study Abroad vs Study in India

In every student’s life, a question may arise at some point, ‘Where should I study?’. Study Abroad vs Study in India. But, did you know? India has become the second-largest country to send students for education in foreign countries.

As per the statistics of 2019 published by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, 753,000 Indian students were studying in universities abroad which were only 66,736 a decade ago.

There are many reasons why Indians choose to study abroad vary from person to person. For example, a student looking to study abroad for easy work after graduation opportunities is more likely to choose the USA as a study destination. A student willing to study abroad due to relatively smooth admission criteria is more likely to opt to study in the U.K or Australia.

Is It Better To Study In India Or Abroad?

It is important to understand the difference between Indian and foreign education, especially if you are aspiring to study abroad. Based on the education provided in countries like the US, UK, Germany, etc., Here is a comparison between Indian education and foreign education to guide you:

1. Skill Building:

Education System India: The majority of the education system in India is focused mainly on theoretical knowledge. 

Education System Abroad: The education system abroad is focused on developing the practical skills of students.

2. Option to Switch Subject:

Education System India: Students can’t change their major subjects in the middle of courses.

Education System Abroad: Most of the European universities and US-based colleges allow students the option to change subjects and don’t limit them to just one subject.

3. Research Initiative:

Education System India: Despite the regular help offered by the government, there are limited research funds, so research initiatives are also low.

Education System Abroad: In foreign universities in the US and some European countries, research is funded by some world’s largest MNCs. Hence research initiatives offered in the US and European countries are good.

4. Exposure:

Education System India: India has not been able to internationalize its education system to attract students from across the world to select courses offered by Indian Universities.

Education System Abroad: In some famous study destinations, students come to study there from across the world. These foreign Universities have a combined group of students coming from different countries. Therefore a student gets better exposure.

5. Ranking:

Education System India: The ranking of Indian Institutes falls way short of all the famous study destinations. That is why India has become the prime example of the brain-drain hub. We all love a foreign brand here, and no wonder that most of the world-famous Indian success stories are written abroad.

Education System Abroad: The ranking of international universities is good because they have managed to attract global students for their in-demand programs.  The prominent study destinations understand the potential of bright candidates and help them reach their dream.

6. Course Option:

Education System India: For students, Indian universities provide only one or limited courses to choose from.

Education System Abroad: International universities provide multiple courses and specializations to students.

7. Career Opportunity:

Education System India: The lucrative job opportunities provided by Indian Universities are limited to top educational institutes in India. Those who have done their higher studies from not-so-famous colleges do not even get a chance of campus placement from top companies.

Education System Abroad: An MBA from a reputed international institution has a higher value & benefits when compared to an MBA from a smaller Indian institution. International Universities provide excellent job opportunities to students. Employers are more likely to hire candidates who have finished a degree abroad with relevant academic scores and work experience when compared to a candidate who has completed the same degree program from an Indian Institute and has similar work experience.

8. Tuition Fees:

Education System India: Pursuing an education in India is affordable only to government colleges, where seats are limited. Most students take admissions to private colleges where the tuition fees are higher than in government colleges.

Education System Abroad: Pursuing higher education from a foreign study destination is always expensive as the cost of food, living, travel, etc., gets added to the overall expenditure. But some countries provide affordable education to Indian students, such as Germany, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland,  Italy, Spain, Belgium, Estonia and Poland.

9. Return on Investment (ROI):

Education System India: The ROI of Indian Universities is conditional and relies upon the reputation of the college you are going to study.

Education System Abroad: The ROI of famous foreign universities is exemplary. The study cost might be extravagant but studying abroad gives a kick start to a student’s career.

Advantages of Studying in India:

  • No Language barrier
  • Affordable Education
  • Always connected with family
  • Public Transportation
  • No Visa hassles
  • Student Support by student’s association

Advantages of Studying Abroad:

  • Enhances your language skills
  • Experience a different style of teaching
  • Enhance your network
  • Learn about new cultures and perspectives
  • Enhances your confidence
  • Good career opportunities abroad

Summing Up

Education in India vs Education Abroad comes with a set of pros and cons. The decision mainly depends on the field of study, your finances, and what kind of career you want in the future.

With the various scholarship opportunities and education loans available, it is better to go abroad for higher studies. You can also complete your undergraduate degree in India, work for a few years, save money and fund your study abroad program. To conclude, the advantages of education at international universities are many and help you build a secure future and career.

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Sakal India Foundation

The idea of setting up an organisation to encourage and assist needy and deserving students with grants and scholarships to pursue higher education was conceived by the late Dr. N. B. Parulekar the managing editor of daily Sakal.

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