Is Studying Abroad Worth It?

Assessing the Value of Studying Abroad

Studying abroad has always been a dream for many students, offering the promise of new horizons, international exposure, and personal growth. However, it’s essential to weigh the benefits against the challenges and consider whether studying abroad is truly worth it. In this blog, we’ll delve into the pros and cons of studying abroad, backed by arguments, statistics, and compelling reasons why it could be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

Study Abroad – Overview

Before we delve into the debate of whether studying abroad is worth it, let’s first provide an overview of what studying abroad entails. Studying abroad refers to the pursuit of higher education in a foreign country, often far from one’s home country. This experience typically involves enrolling in academic programs at foreign universities, which can range from short-term exchange programs to full degree courses.

Is Studying Abroad worth it? Arguments and Statistics

When evaluating whether studying abroad is worth it, it’s crucial to consider various perspectives, arguments, and relevant statistics. Here are some key points to ponder:

Arguments in Favor: Global Perspective: Studying abroad exposes you to diverse cultures, languages, and perspectives, fostering a global mindset that can benefit your future career.

Academic Excellence: Many foreign universities are renowned for their high-quality education and world-class faculty.

Personal Growth: Living independently in a foreign country fosters independence, adaptability, and resilience.

Career Opportunities: International exposure can open doors to global job opportunities and potentially higher earning potential.

Cultural Immersion: You have the chance to immerse yourself in a new culture, learn a new language, and develop a deeper understanding of the world.

Cost: Studying abroad can be expensive, including tuition fees, living expenses, and travel costs.

Home Country Opportunities: Consider whether similar educational opportunities are available in your home country.

Cultural Adjustment: Adjusting to a new culture and being far from family and friends can be challenging.

Visa and Legal Requirements: Navigating visa and immigration processes can be complex and time-consuming.

Statistics: According to data from the Institute of International Education (IIE), there were over 1.1 million international students in the United States alone in the 2019/2020 academic year. This statistic reflects the substantial number of students choosing to study abroad.

5 Reasons Why Study Abroad

If you’re contemplating whether studying abroad is worth it, here are five compelling reasons why it can be an enriching and transformative experience:

  • Cultural Exposure: Studying abroad allows you to immerse yourself in a new culture, gain a global perspective, and build international friendships.
  • Academic Excellence: Top foreign universities offer a wide range of academic programs and research opportunities, often with cutting-edge facilities and faculty.
  • Personal Growth: Living independently in a foreign country fosters self-reliance, adaptability, and the ability to navigate diverse environments.
  • Networking: Studying abroad provides a unique opportunity to build a global network of contacts, which can be valuable for your future career.
  • Resume Enhancement: International experience stands out on a resume, showcasing your adaptability, cultural awareness, and commitment to personal growth.

8 Myths Indians Have About Foreign Education

Pursuing higher education abroad has always been a dream for many Indian students. However, several myths and misconceptions often cloud the decision-making process. In this blog, we aim to debunk eight common myths that Indians may have about foreign education. By dispelling these myths, we hope to provide clarity and a more accurate perspective on the benefits and challenges of studying abroad.

Myth 1: Studying Abroad Is Extremely Expensive

Reality: While studying abroad can be costly, it’s essential to distinguish between the tuition fees and the overall cost of living. Many countries offer affordable or tuition-free education, and numerous scholarships are available for international students to ease the financial burden. Careful financial planning can make studying abroad more affordable than it may initially seem.

Myth 2: Foreign Degrees Are Not Recognized in India

Reality: Most foreign degrees are recognized and accepted in India, provided they are obtained from accredited and reputable institutions. Many Indian universities and employers value international education, seeing it as an opportunity for individuals to gain a global perspective and advanced skills.

Myth 3: Scholarships Are Hard to Obtain

Reality: Scholarships for international students are available from various sources, including governments, universities, and private organizations. While some scholarships are highly competitive, there are numerous opportunities for students with strong academic records, leadership qualities, and financial need. Thorough research and a well-prepared application can increase your chances of securing scholarships.

Myth 4: Language Barriers Are Insurmountable

Reality: While language barriers can be a concern, many foreign universities offer programs in English, making it accessible to Indian students. Additionally, language proficiency tests like IELTS and TOEFL provide opportunities to demonstrate your language skills and ensure you are adequately prepared.

Myth 5: It’s Hard to Get a Visa

Reality: Obtaining a student visa for many countries is a well-established process. It involves submitting required documents, including admission letters, financial statements, and proof of language proficiency. While it can be time-consuming, careful preparation and adherence to visa requirements can streamline the process.

Myth 6: Studying Abroad Means No Return to India

Reality: Many Indian students who study abroad return to India after completing their education. Their international exposure and education often make them highly sought-after candidates in the Indian job market. Studying abroad can enhance your career prospects both abroad and in India.

Myth 7: Foreign Education Is Only for the Wealthy

Reality: While studying abroad can be expensive, numerous financial aid options are available, including scholarships, grants, part-time work opportunities, and education loans. Many students from diverse financial backgrounds pursue international education successfully.

Myth 8: It’s Too Challenging to Adapt to a New Culture

Reality: Adapting to a new culture can be a significant personal growth opportunity. Most universities offer support services for international students, including orientation programs and cultural integration initiatives. Additionally, the experience of living in a different culture can be profoundly enriching and transformative.

In conclusion, studying abroad is a valuable opportunity that offers numerous benefits, including exposure to global perspectives, academic excellence, personal growth, and career advancement. While challenges exist, they are often manageable with careful planning and preparation. It’s essential to base your decisions on accurate information rather than misconceptions and myths. Studying abroad can be a rewarding experience that opens doors to a world of possibilities.


In the end, the decision of whether studying abroad is worth it depends on your individual goals, aspirations, and circumstances. While it can be a life-changing experience filled with opportunities for growth and enrichment, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully and make an informed choice.

If you’re considering studying abroad, start by researching universities and programs that align with your academic and career goals. Explore available scholarships, financial aid options, and visa requirements. Your international education journey could be the path to a brighter, more globally connected future.

About Author

Sakal India Foundation

The idea of setting up an organisation to encourage and assist needy and deserving students with grants and scholarships to pursue higher education was conceived by the late Dr. N. B. Parulekar the managing editor of daily Sakal.

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